A mix of Nasreddin Hoca and the Hairy Leg

This is the story Rabia (my colleague) and i built during one of our Digital Storytelling classes. We had lots of fun while mixing our hometown stories and now we'd like to share out creation with you. Click here if you want to know how we built it.


One day, a security man found a hairy leg under his bed. He thought he was being cheated on, so he mentioned it to his friends. One of his friends was Nasreddin Hoca, who happened to work at the radio station. At that moment, Nasreddin Hoca thought that it would be great if the hairy leg was a real spooky story. After that, he went to station to make his radio show. He started to talk about the leg. He said "I have a story, please, listen carefully! Two days ago, one of my friends told me that he found a hairy leg in his bedroom! And the leg attacked him, can you believe it? Please be careful about that Hairy Leg because it is following us and anyone can be a victim!" And then he screamed. After the radio show, people believed it and they were shocked. They were scared to go out and they even did not want their children to go to school! After that, since people were very scared from the hairy leg, the security guy decided to not to go to work and he went to his room to find the leg. When he tried to fight with the leg, he realized that the leg belonged to Nasreddin Hoca himself!

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