The tale of the Hairy Leg

Dear reader,

Recife is a beautiful city for tourists. They call it 'Brazilian Venice' because of the beautiful river that cuts it in seven islands, and its horizon is a well known postcard. But, for some reason, Recife has some weird stories told since long ago, that passed from parents to children and from mouth to books. I am going to share a very special one with you that comes straight from the 70's - the tale of the Hairy Leg.

The scene happens during the night, where a vigilant - after a long shift of work - found a hairy leg under his bed, said bed being the same as the one his wife slept on. For some reason, the vigilant believed his wife was cheating on him, and that that limb was the leg of her lover. He told his friends, who told other friends, who shared the uncommon story with a radio broadcaster - and the man spread the news on his radio show.

What is strange is that the population of Recife did not take it as a cheating case, but as a paranormal happening, and that the leg was actually a creature haunting the night. A few days after the notice on the radio, many people were contacting the broadcaster saying they had, too, seen the hairy leg. They told that leg would appear inside wardrobes, in the middle of the streets, sometimes even hurting people - kicking, kneeing and stepping over whoever passed by. After attacking, the leg would go away with long and high jumps, disappearing from sight rapidly.

The story is so interesting - and rather funny - that it is still used as an important folkloric mark in Recife`s story. Local bands like Chico Science and Nação Zumbi made stuffed hairy legs and threw them at the audience as they play their songs.

Interesting, right?

With love,


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