Reflections on the curricular unit

I believe the art of telling stories has - as a very important foundation - the need of social interaction. Sharing experiences, culture and knowledge were the aspects that mostly spoke out for me in this year’s Storytelling class. 

Not only it was amazing to hear stories from students of other parts of the world, but was also great sharing the same room and getting to know different perspectives of their points of view related to all the topics we brought to class. 

Creating our own storytelling E-portfolio was very enlightening and fun, as much as it was a bit hardworking: i personally felt more tense to create my projects - people will see it! It has to be perfect! - my thoughts ran close to that matter. But even though it was hardworking, i can also admit how proud i am of my work. Seeing my blog now makes me realize that my semester was full of creation and creativity and i am proud to say, as a brazilian student, that i improved a lot on my responsibility, my way of writing and telling stories, and just as a gift: my english. 

I personally have to thank my fellow students and our Professor for the incredible time we had together in class. 

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